What should I bring to Pre-Kindy?

Labelling clothing, bags, Hats and shoes will help us identify each child’s belongings easily. Below is a list of what to bring:

  • A bag for their belongings – Please make sure this is clearly labelled with your Child name or a Bag tag to help the educators identify their bag if needed. Bags are a great introduction to teaching your child how to pack their bag and zip it up.
  • Water Bottle – our staff will fill this up throughout the day if required. Filled with WATER only.
  • Sunscreen applied – Please apply sunscreen before your child’s Pre-Kindy session. It will be reapplied with “Banana Boat kids 50+ Sunscreen” before going outside. If you child uses special sunscreen please bring a spare bottle to Pre-Kindy to leave with their names clearly labelled on the bottle.
  • Spare changes of clothes – play can get messy including underwear in case of accidents. Children should wear sun-smart clothing i.e. no singlets.
  • Morning Tea – To be in a separate container to Lunch. This is to be taken out and put in the Trolley.
  • Lunch it’s a great time to teach your child how to open their containers. We promote healthy food choices as outlined in the daily recommended dietary intake for children. Ideas and
  • Pull-ups/Nappies – If your child isn’t fully trained, please provide enough pull-ups or nappies for the day.
  • Hats Each time your child attends Pre-Kindy, they must bring a bucket hat and place it in the designated hat storage area in the morning.

Each child will be given a Joondalup Family Centre Pre-Kindy T-shirt on their first day as part of the application fee.

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