Policy & Procedures

Policy & Procedures

6.1 Enrolment and Placement of Children

Joondalup Family Centre aims to provide an easy procedure for enrolling children into our service. This is primarily complete online via the Kidsoft program. Our website contains a link to the enrolment software.

This section includes:

6.1.1 Enrolment into Service Policy

6.2 Fees and Charges Policy

Joondalup Family Centre aims to provide quality education and care at affordable rates. Fee levels will be set by Management and the Management Committee and will be reviewed each year. Our fees will be clearly displayed on the website and in promotional material.

This section includes:

6.2.1 Fees Policy

6.3 Education, Cirriculum and Learning

Joondalup Family Centre aims to provide a service that is inclusive to all service users. Our centre is non-discriminatory and encourages people from different cultures, religions and abilities to engage with our program. Our staff are culturally and disability aware and our cirriculum is designed to promote this.

This section includes:

6.3.1 Educational Program Policy
6.3.2 Cultural Awareness, Disability and Inclusion Policy
6.3.3 Equal Opportunity Policy

6.4 Interactions with Children Policy

Best endeavours are made to build positive, respectful and equitable relationships with children that are maintained in a way that: encourages children to express themselves and their opinions; allows children to undertake experiences that develop self-reliance and self-esteem; maintains at all times the dignity and rights of all children; gives each child positive guidance; and has regard to the family and cultural values, age and physical intellectual development and abilities of each child being educated and cared for by the service.

This section includes:

6.4.1 Child Supervision Policy
6.4.2 Positive Behaviour Guidance Policy

6.5 Delivery and Collection of Children

Joondalup Family Centre has a duty of care to the children attending the service. This includes children attending the service who have not yet been signed in or out who are legally under the care and supervision of the parent/guardian. The child may only leave the service in the care of a parent/guardian, or other authorised nominee. An authorised person does not include a parent who is prohibited by a court order from having contact with the child. An exception is made in the event of a medical or other emergency.

This section includes:
6.5.1 Delivery and Collection of Children

6.6 Children's Health and Safety

The health and safety of children attending the centre is of paramount importance.Our policies and procedures ensure the health and safety needs of children are met through implementing practices relating to: nutrition, food, beverages, and dietary requirements; sun protection; water safety, including safety during any water-based activities; tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs; sleep and rest; child protection; and a child safe environment. We are committed to providing a safe environment for children to play and learn and for educators to support and nurture the children’s learning experience.

This section incudes:
6.6.1 Nutrition Policy
6.6.2 Sun Safe Policy
6.6.3 Water Safety Policy
6.6.6 Child Protection Policy
6.6.7 Child Safe Environment Policy
6.6.10 Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy
6.6.11 Infectious Disease Policy
6.6.12 Administration of First Aid Policy
6.6.13 Medical Conditions Policy

6.7 Emergency and Evacuation Policy

Joondalup Family Centre has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of each individual at all times. In the event that the service needs to be evacuated, we aim to conduct this in a rehearsed, timely, calm and safe manner to secure the safety of each person using the service.

This section inculdes:

6.7.1 Emergency management
6.7.2 Emergency Services Policy

6.8 Governance and Management of the Service

The Management Committee and Management are responsible for guiding the direction of the service, ensuring its goals and objectives are met, and are in line with the philosophy of the organisation.This section outlines policies related to governance and management of the programs, services and staff at the centre.

This section includes:

6.8.1 Governance and Management
6.8.2 Staffing Arrangements and Management
6.8.3 Volunteer and Student Practicum Placements
6.8.4 Greivances and Disputes
6.8.5 Record of Visitors