
Pre-Kindy (2-4 year olds)
Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm


Approved CCS (Child Care Subsidy)

With longer opening hours than other Pre-Kindy in our area, we make life easier for parents.

Our Pre-Kindy Program runs Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm 48 weeks a year.

Our morning mat session starts at 9am and the daily program concludes at 2pm
*We close 4 weeks over the Christmas/New year period*


At Joondalup Family Centre, we respect each child for the unique individual they are. We acknowledge that each child deserves to be cared for and educated in a respectful positive way.

We believe and promote a safe and secure learning environment, where the environment is the third teacher in the children’s learning and development journey. Our educators use many teaching strategies to scaffold the children’s learning experience. We extend on children’s thinking and encourage them to ask question, engage them in conversation about things that excite them, and integrate learning through play.  We foster the children’s independence, resilience and self-confidence by allowing risks to be taken along with independent problem solving.

We respect and promote a diverse learning program, acknowledging various beliefs and cultures.

We recognize that partnerships with families provide us with open communication and is a valuable aspect for the children’s development, ensuring continuity of care. Our educators reflect a diversity of education, training and life experiences as well as a range of multicultural backgrounds and languages.


Our Program

The Joondalup family Centre offers a Pre-Kindy program with a maximum of 20 children each day, aged between 2-4 years old. We provide high quality care and education for all children, in collaboration with their families and the wider community.

We open 5 days per week, 8am until 4pm daily. We ensure the centre is affordable for our families, all programs are eligible for Child care subsidies.

Our Pre-kindy classes are ran by qualified educators, as we promote holistic skills through learning through play. Our routines generally imitate the school environment, including bringing morning tea and lunch from home, and set drop-off and pick-up times that coincide with the school day, which is helpful from transitioning for us to school. Our facility resources and equipment are specifically dedicated to developmental needs of 2-4 year olds.

The program will enhance the children’s self esteem as well as developing fundamental skills, which are vital for the children’s learning and development.

What is learning through play?

Learning through play is a term used in education and psychology to describe how a child can learn to make sense of the world around them. Through play children can develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally, and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments.

The Early Years Learning Framework underpins our program along with ACECQA.

The Pre-Kindy Program is licensed through the Child Care Licensing Board and follows guidelines set by State, Federal and governing regulatory offices

Joondalup Family Centre is an approved Pre-Kindy for the provision of Child Care Subsidy. For information on Child Care Subsidy or to obtain a claim form, visit The Child Care Subsidy is a payment from the Australian Government, paid directly to service providers, which in turn is passed on to families to help with the cost of child care.

In order to receive Child Care Subsidy, you must be working; self-employed; doing unpaid work in a family business; looking for work; volunteering or studying. Call the Family Assistance Office on 136 150 to find out your entitlements.